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Cavitation Bridgehouse
Members of the Cavitation Bridgehouse are Possibility Management Trainers and Trainer-types,
building prodigious Bridges that extend from the thoughtware limits of modern culture
over to next culture - Archiarchy - the regenerative culture centered on Radical Responsibility, Authentic Adulthood Initiations, Nonmaterial Value and Creative Collaboration.
You might think that in an environment saturated with a overwhelming cultural context such as Patriarchy, you have no choice but to adapt or fight. "If you can't beat them, join them," they say.
Ah! We discovered an entirely new third option. If you do not want to beat them, or join them, then Cavitate new culture space!
Cavitation means 'creating a cave in an already occupied space'.
By becoming a disturbance in the field, a new energetic and cultural possibility can emerge. Think of bubbles of gas in an already fully occupied glass of water.
The Cavitation Bridgehouse intends to leave artifacts in the global ethnosphere of freshly cavitated spaces in which Archiarchy thrives and is rapidly emerging.
Humanity has arrived at an evolutionary stage where the necessity of learning new ways to come together and collaborate can no longer be ignored. The challenges that lie at our doorstep are considerable, and demand radical personal change.
Almost every intelligent person dreams of more connection and community in their lives. Yet most did not learn the necessary soft skills growing up for how to harmoniously and effectively share space or create and sustain Gaian Gameworlds collaboratively. This is part of what we will be devoting and honing experientially in the living laboratory of the Cavitation Bridgehouse, along with the context and core skills of ongoingly becoming an Expand The Box Trainer.
Every aspect of modern life as we have come to know it is unregenerative (read that as 'ecocidal', meaning, a death sentence for life on planet Earth).
The known world is in a state of radical flux. It is groundless, and baseless, because modern culture is exterminating life on Earth at the fastest possible rate.
All known procedures are in question... commerce, education, health, government, military, religion, economics, food production, lifestyle, transportation, clothing... but what are the answers? They too are unknown.
This means that the Cavitation Bridgehouse is, by necessity, a research center, sharing the findings from our experiments.
In short, we have a lot of experimenting and sharing to do through regular diary updates, live videos, photos, process write-ups, as well as books, articles and posts.
The Cavitation Bridgehouse practices:
- Possibility Management context, skills and distinctions
- Torus Technology meeting and decision-making using the Purple Card, Resistance Decision Making, Proposals and Counter Proposals,
- Gaian Gameworld-building skills and technologies
- 3 Phase Healing: instead of fixing yourself, shift identity into someone that does not need to be in prison, sick, disempowered, alone, or disconnected.
- Spaceholder Training with rotating spaceholding for the entire Bridgehouse (daily), meal cooking Team (once a day), adventure day (once every 7 days, because Archan weeks here are 12 days).
- Whole Permaculture: learning olive soaking, acorn roasting, sauerkraut fermenting, cake baking, while soaking our wounds, roasting our outdated behavior, fermenting our purpose, baking our book.
During the Cavitation Bridgehouse, members are holding space for these global online transformational spaces:
Rage Club by Gabriela Fagundes
Fear Club by Gabriela Fagundes
Emotional Healing Process Skill-Up 2 month Journey with Anne-Chloé Destremau
Archiarchal Women's Journey: Negotiating Intimacy with Vera Franco & Meredith Witt
Men's Journey: Negotiating Intimacy with Daway Chou-Ren & Devin Gleeson
Frauen der Erde Possibility Team with Lisa Ommert & Sophia Wegele
Gremlin Transformation Chapter 0 (Men) with Vera Franco
Gremlin Transformation Chapter 0 (Women) with Lisa Ommert
What is 'Expand The Box'? worktalk with Anne-Chloé Destremau and Clinton Callahan
Inner Navigation 13-week Journey with Gabriela Klara Kowalska
We are also holding space for these transformational 5-body and multidimension spaces for each other.
They are the "Amazing Spaces":
Amazing Spaces Map 1
Amazing Spaces 2
Follow the Adventures of the Cavitation Bridgehouse (almost live)
There are no published blog posts yet.Cavitation Bridgehouse Team
Their Bridges
The Cavitation Bridgehouse Team currently includes the following Possibilitator and Possibility Management trainers.
Previous Bridgehouse Team Members
S.P.A.R.K. 104: You may never know the value of what you write. Write anyway.
- Contact Us
To be clear, Writing House is NOT searching for 'new members'.
Writing House is a living amoeba who searches out new elements only when she is hungry for them.
Nonetheless, you may still greet us using this form.
We are here to write it down.
Here are elements that make our Bridgehouses fly.
You want your project to fly?
Then, seriously implement these elements.
Each iteration is experimental because there is no guarantee of success.
This makes it more interesting, eh?
It also make you an Experimenter.
Get More Clarity About Current Reality
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.01
Conscious pain is about the only motivation strong enough to drive someone to make a lifestyle change. New awarenesses that make you angry enough to try something new come from lowering your marshmallow-sweet buffer zone, letting the delusion dissolve, and finding out what is really going on.
For this Experiment, please read through the What Now website... slowly.
While reading the words and watching the videos, lower your Numbness Bar so that your mind does not skip over the painful realizations.
Then write a 2 to 3 page article titled: Three Things I Want To Change. Let your nonlinear intelligence choose the three things you are angry enough about to move into a life that leaves these three things out. In your article, explain practical alternative possibilities that you would prefer to have in your life to replace the three things from which you will step away.
This, obviously, is a personal article, meaning that there are no objectively true answers about what you would prefer. Which is super! Because it means you cannot get it wrong! Please publish your article online at
After you have published your article, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.01 in your free account at Please give the link to your article as the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Create The Culture You Would Love To Live In
Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.03
It can be a shock to realize that next culture - archiarchy - is NOT already built and ready for you to occupy like the culture of the Na'vi was for Jake Sully to move into in James Cameron's film Avatar.
There is nearly nothing ready for you. If you want a different culture, you will need to design it, build it, and move into by your own volition.
You probably do not have the balls, the determination, the fierceness to do that. Instead you will probably forget that you read this Experiment and simply go on to something less painful.
But hey! You don't have to. You could take me seriously. (I take myself seriously...) This Experiment is to skip over the comforting sense of, "I don't know," then enter the present (where you cannot already know because in the present all you get is improvisation and creation), and choose 3 specific qualities or elements of a culture you would love to live in.
Grab your Beep! Book and write the three elements out, like a free-form poem. Do not try to make it nice. (Every new idea at first sounds crazy!)
Then for each of your 3 qualities, write out 3 specific actions you would take if that quality was the culture you truly lived in.
Now you have 9 Experiments to try (3 actions for each of the 3 qualities). During this next week, do each of these 9 behaviors three times. Do each one with dynamic fervor, ferocious commitment, indubitable enthusiasm, and joyful thoroughness, so your behavior lands totally in the current space in everyone's awareness and everyone's 5 Bodies, but do the behavior for YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT, not to do anything to the other people. Do not try to change anyone else. They are living in the culture they want to live in. So you get to live in the culture you want to live in! It is only fair, right? Have a hell of a good time, right there in front of the others without any excuse.
After you have accomplished all 27 of these actions, please register Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.03 in your free account at In the PROOF section write 12 words about what you learned. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BRIDGEHO.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!